Every marketing and PR Professional is going bananas for Pinterest. So why is everyone so interested in it? Let’s go through the things you need to know before you start bowling your customers over with the social network Pinterest.
Firstly, you should be getting onto Pinterest if you have a fairly active online customer base or audience. As a minimum, you should have a Facebook Page or a Twitter page. Why you ask?
Pinterest is all about credibility and recommendation. If you don’t have a credible community around your brand, don’t jump into Pinterest thinking you’ll start getting the flow-on benefits. Work on taking your baby steps first, get your audience engaged and then start on more developed community management activities, the type you find on Pinterest. You can’t community-manage if you don’t have a community to manage!
Deciding your Topics (Boards) on Pinterest.
Lets make this really easy. Imagine your business and your customers as a single person. Write down their name, personality traits, their likes, dislikes and interests. If this person where in a library, what book would they choose? If they were at the movies, what would they watch? This will help you decide what kind of ‘Boards’ you should be contributing to and curating on Pinterest. Use your great content to gain interest by participating in that topic. Follow businesses that are similar to yours for ideas, but not in direct competition to you. The global nature on Pinterest allows for this.
Let’s say you own a cupcake store. Start by producing some pictures of your business, your products, share some of your recipes, showcase your new products, repin content that you like and that suits your brand, post pictures of your employees working in-store. Maybe some customers who visit your store. Add to topics like ‘recipes,’ ‘baking’ or ‘ cupcakes’ and keep the focus entirely on content.
What makes great content? Make sure it looks amazing, visual content is key. So make sure you have a plan for creating a solid library of digital content. You spend so much time making claims about your products online, Pinterest lets you show the proof. How is your business ‘showing rather than telling’ on Pinterest?